MovieChat Forums > And Then There Were None (1945) Discussion > When will this be remade again?

When will this be remade again?

Ever since the original "And Then There Were None" was released it usually gets remade approximately even 15 years. The last remake was 15 years ago so it's probably time for Hollywood to remake it yet again and introduce the story to a younger generation that doesn't appreciate older films. Also, Hollywood remakes and recycles so much older material again and again, it's only a matter of time before they get around to this story again. How soon do you think the next version will happen?



Hollywood sort of remade this story with the film "Identity" (2003) with John Cusack. You'll see obvious similarities, with a different twist at the end. If you like the plot, you'll probably like "Identity."


"Mindhunters" also owes more than a passing nod to And Then There Were None.


That's right. I only saw the trailer for Mindhunters, but it obviously had the same plotline. Good call. Did you see that film? Was it any good?


No, I only saw the trailer, too. It was made by Miramax while Miramax and Disney were going through their messy divorce and a lot of films just got forgotten. The trailer was released, but the movie was only released a little while ago and I don't think with much publicity. The DVD is coming out on September 20th and I hope to see it then!


As I mentioned in a previous post, AND THEN THERE WERE NONE has been re-adapted for the stage using the novel's original, darker ending. I have little doubt that Christie's estate will see to it that a film is made from it, though more than likely for television.


Indeed - I'd love to see this remade using Christie's original ending - she herself changed the ending when she adapted her novel for the stage, and film-makers have followed suit (it was war-time and she felt the original ending too bleak), but I think audiences today could appreciate the Christie original.

When the internet was invented, suddenly everyone became a critic!



Actually, has nobody made the connection between this story and the grandaddy Reality Show "Survivor"? I remember in 2000, hearing about that (at the time new concept) TV show and thinking "Oh, wow, it's just like ATTWN/TLI!" Prior to 2000, the concept of eliminating one person each episode/week was something you never saw except in the Christie story and a very occasional ripoff film. Now, since Survivor gave way to Big Brother and then the whole Pop Idol/American Idol phenomenon, eliminating people one (maybe two) at a time has become the very recipe for reality shows.
