The Video Game

Anyone here played the computer game by Dreamcatcher Interactive? I hear it's fun for fans of the book, but pretty boring and simple as a stand-alone game. I'll still get it and play it, but I'll probably wish it were more challenging so it would last longer. Why couldn't they get it right??? I'm disappointed before I've even played it. Hopefully, I've heard wrong.

And when you buy the game, it comes with a copy of the book. They're actually encouraging you to read... That can't be a good sign.



I've played the game and I actually thought it was alright, though I did have to search up some cheats on the internet because the game was difficult but overall as a cult mystery movie and game fan I thought that the game was very good. If anyone did or does enjoy mystery games I would recommend the nancy drew games, they may be for teenage girls but they are very very fun mystery games with fantastic graphics.


I liked the game, but I had a few beefs. I would have liked it to correspond with the book (or movie, for that matter) more. It stayed like it (except for the new character, who I found annoying and intrusive. I would have much rather played one of the actual characters) was in the book for a while and then all of the sudden there was a mess of other stuff that seemed really random and wierd... There's an old village and you can make a parachute and there's a spy afoot...well, it's just bizarre. I couldn't help thinking "huh?" while I was playing. And is there any way to keep the guy you control from falling in love with Vera Claythorne? Ugh! It annoyed the heck out of me.
To sum it up, it was a good game but was involved much more with trying random stuff in your inventory on everything in your environment than actually deducing a mystery. Plus I've never been one to like 3D computer games. I know they're the norm, but I for one prefer 2.5 D. If you really want a mystery game where you actually do detective work and don't just try everything in your inventory EVERYWHERE, I suggest you try Nancy Drew games by herinteractive.
I did, however, enjoy the little treat at the end which was a bit more in keeping with the book.



I agree with the other posters.

I played the game, and enjoyed it, but after it was over, I did feel that it was a bit too "point and click" to be a $30 game. There weren't a lot of challenges to do. It was a lot of talking to characters, and wandering around to find supplies that had nothing to do with the original book, or films.

Build a parachute? Find a secret village? Go underground and construct a lifeboat? Make apple cider? Watch a US actress' films in a new screening room?

I didn't like the fact that new characters were added to the game, and that you played as an 11th guest, who was always excluded from the murder, the dinners, and the normal fun that fans have built a fansbase on, over the years.

I'd have rather played as one of the 10 guests, trying to avoid being murdered. A random game, much like Clue, so that the game would have some usefulness after you beat it once. The way it stands now, you pay $30 for a one-time game, and a paperback copy of the novel.

Like everyone else has said, purchase the Nancy Drew mystery game series. They're aimed for teen girls, but have caught on big with adults, because they're fun, complicated, and have great graphics. Check your local dollar and discount stores. I always find them for $6, as opposed to the $20 that Wal-Mart want for 'em.


Where are you getting them for 6$(The Nancy Drew Games) I've never seen them that cheap before. How long after the game has come out are they this price. Just wondering


I actually liked the game..I thought it was good for them to change things up, especially since I had read the book and seen the movie. There probably could have been more fun things to have the character do but overall it was a fun play I thought.


I just finished the game, and it was alright. I absolutely hated the ending(s) though...ugh. Completely disappointed about it. I kept trying to figure out how the original killer could still be the same one even after it was no longer possible xD
