Haven't Seen The Movie...

I read this book earlier on this year...it was really, really good...but I never got a chance to see the movie. Does anyone here recommend it? Or, does anyone NOT recommend it?

Is it as good as the book??

I Love C. Thomas Howell...He Has the Dreamiest Eyes Ever
-Ponygurl Curtis OUT-




Yes, I'd recommend it. It's a good film, though not anywhere near as frightening as the book. The ending was something of a disappointment to me, but if you're prepared that it will be different it should be alright.


yes, yes, the scene that is shot as each follows the other keyhole to keyhole is master rene claire..love this flick. I saw it on tv when i was twelve and then went to the library to get the book, and the new ending in the book was for me the best surprize, been reading since and that was forty years ago..
I also have a soft spot for Dame Judith.
