What happens at the end

I started to watch this movie on the end of a video tape of my grandmothers, unfortunately the tape cut out before the end. I just wondered what happens in the end. I got up to the part where Eddie finds out that George is in San Fransisco sing for drinks and he says he wants to go track him down.
can anyone tell me what happens after that


I just now finished watching this and I have to tell you, now that it's out on the Warner Archive Collection DVD, GO AND GET IT and watch the whole thing - it's great!! right up to the end!!

I hope that you're still interested, all this time, a year and a half later.

But, if you really do want to know, I will tell you how it all ends. If you will kindly take a peak beneath the spoiler tags:

Eddie goes out to San Francisco and searches all the waterfront dives for George. One day, George stumbles into a regular haunt, looking very bad indeed, in need of a shave, his clothes in tatters, and he begs for a shot of booze. The bartender, who clearly indicates that George is well-liked, even if down on his luck, gives him a drink AND a written message from Eddie. George reads the note, and begs a dollar off the bartender so that he can get himself cleaned up, leaving his drink on the bar untouched.

Meanwhile, Eddie, in his hotel room, gets a call from the desk that George is there and wants to come up. Eddie springs into action and takes out a bottle of booze and spills it all around the room, on himself, splashes it on his face like cologne and then jumps into bed with an ice bag on his head. George comes in and Eddie, through moans and groans, says that he's hit the bottom, the drink has taken over his life and begs George to help him (using some reverse psychology, which, in this case, works). George promises to help Eddie get back on his feet and off the drink, and, by being engaged in helping Eddie, George also reclaims his own life. Eddie's ploy works!

Next, they're arriving in New York, with McKim, Meade and White's beautiful Pennsylvania Station in the background (R.I.P.) for a Ziegfeld presentation of "Whoopee" (Eddie does a wonderful reprise of "Whoopee" with some new lyrics and some very funny schtick!)! At the finale of the show, Eddie drags George onstage and, as a surprise to George, announces to the audience that it's request night for George Doane and that he, Eddie, has one request for George as the orchestra promptly starts into "It Had To Be You". Who should be sitting in the audience, but Constance (with her perpetual fiancé, Charlie)! George sings the song directly to her with great effect.

Next scene, it's a double wedding! All's well that ends well! And then, they're off! on the Niagra Ltd. train to Niagra Falls!

And, true to form and in generous measure, the curtain closing business from Eddie Cantor and Joan Davis is perfect, not to be missed and worth the price of admission all by itself!!


Thanks heaps for your response,and all the effort you went to writing it out. Ill definitely have to watch the whole thing when I get a chance.

