Just a little information

I only want to add that a short extract of the novel "Das Siebte Kreuz" (Seventh Cross) was in the "Deutsch-Abitur" 2006 (I think you call it A-level examination). I didnt watch the film, but I suppose the scene with Dr. Löwenstein is also included in the movie. You had to find out that Dr. Löwenstein is a Jewish man, and Georg is escaping from somewhere. They both are in fear and hunted by the NAZI regime. But the fear is like a wall between them. Dr.Löwenstein only cares for the wounded hand and nothing more. Of course there were bad people in Germany, but the real bad thing was, to create such a fear and suspious atmosphere among the good civilians that they were unable to react in a good way. Thanks God that there are always some people who are brave enough to break the wall of fear, like the persons, helping Georg on his escape.


jkinbiere, you are so right! Fear is a powerful tool. It's what most evil people tap into as a means to control over their victims.

Some people actually use fear as a weapon against themselves. It doesn't have to be intentional but it keeps them trapped. That's what phobias are; fear elevated to the nth degree.

Whether we do it to ourselves or it's inflicted on us by someone else, fear works because it combines with our own imagination. It doesn't even take much creativity to imagine the worst case scenarios in their minds. The possibility of those things happening will either immobilize us or cause us to act completely against what would otherwise be our better judgment.

The Nazis used tactics to spread fear among the masses in the same way terrorists attempt to do today. That's why it's said 'when we let fear stand in our way and let it keep us from living our lives, the terrorists win.' It's what they want so we cannot let them win.

One of the things the movie illustrates well is the inability to know who can and cannot be trusted. Some people naively go along with the powers that be because they are getting certain perks that they enjoy. Others try to show their allegiance to those in power; hoping it will inoculate them from the unwanted situations they've seen others get dragged into.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
