Michigan J. Frog

This movie strongly reminds me of the series of cartoons starring this talented frog and the greedy people who try to profit by him. I wonder if Michigan was in any way inspired by it. He first appeared in 1955 so it wouldn't be far fetched to think someone saw the movie and made a take off later. Michigan's promoters invest everything and lose it all along with their sanity when Michigan only sings for them and to everyone else is just a frog. He's on you tube and had quite a repertoire! :)


I thought the exact same thing! Once Upon A Time is playing on GetTV this evening and immediately I checked to see the production date versus that of Warner Brothers classic cartoon, "One Froggy Evening".

I'm certain someone involved with WB "One Froggy Evening" had seen this movie as there are obvious echoes of the theme.


My all time favorite cartoon. I have all of Froggy's songs on wav files on my computer.
