Disney deal?

Why would Disney need the real Curly and not just the rights to his likeness? They would have made animated movies about him and like all Disney characters there is no actual living animal, only drawings.
Another thing that bugged me is why the scientists didn't tell anyone that curly would be changing soon.
We probably won't be seeing an adult male inside a secret clubhouse with boys he's not related to any time soon either.
This is a cute but uneven film. I really disliked when Jerry lost his temper. I can't imagine what would happen if a popular star did something similar today.


Why would Disney need the real Curly and not just the rights to his likeness?
As stated in the film, Disney's plan was to use the actual caterpillar with animated backgrounds.


Thanks, I missed that.


The bizarre thing is that a caterpillar is hardly some long term idea to make money because of obviously going into a cocoon and turning into a butterfly. This was a major problem I had with this film. The kid is such a fool to not understand this the entire time, and none of the adults mention it. I was thinking "Kid, if Disney is willing to give you $100,000 for a caterpillar that might turn into a butterfly take it!"



