MovieChat Forums > Mrs. Parkington Discussion > Maddening resolution

Maddening resolution

So she spends the entire fortune to save a useless idiot grandson in law? Drives away the fine upstanding guy in love with her great granddaughter? That is supposed to a fine ending?

She would have been better off donating to charity. Or give the money to her great grandaughter and the honest guy she originally wanted to marry.

OK, i have seen only half the movie so far, but read the plot summary. Just annoyed that this entire story amounts to something so unsatisfacgtory.


DID she drive away the great-granddaughter's fiancé, the one she was going to run away with?? I'm confused....again.


I would say it is a rather bizarre way to understand the ending by focusing on the so-called idiot. Mrs. Parkington was obviously saying the rest of the family were undeserving, EXCEPT for the great-grandaughter.

See this film. It is excellent.


So why not donate to charity? Still do not understand why she had to remember a "flashback" to realize the fiance of her great grndaughter was worth fighting for.



She spent the money to save all the jobs and finances of the people her grandson in law swindled. And she sent her great granddaughter off to go with her fiancé.


I understood Mrs. Parkington's decision to use the money to repay what Amory had stolen but I got the impression it would go towards saving Amory and covering up his crime. If he just gets off the hook because the money is returned, that would be wrong. He should be held accountable and made to pay for his crimes.

My other problem is the way Mrs. Parkington's actions seem to punish her heirs. They were a bunch of spoiled, selfish, greedy, and rotten people; with the exception of her grand-niece. They certainly didn't turn out that way on their own. If it had been only one or two bad apples, it could be said they went astray. However, only one was good.

The bad ones attracted more bad into the family but where was Mrs. Parkington's influence? She was a good person yet none of it seemed to be passed down from her. I suppose that's why they made most of them her grandchildren rather than her children. Still, it seemed she was a regular part of their lives. I would have expected her to have more of an influence and to know there were problems before it got to that point. She had been clueless to a lot of the things her husband had been doing right under her nose but by the time he died she caught on. How could she then go back to being clueless?

Having dealt with her husband's vices, I'd expect her to be vigilant and make doubly sure her children and their children were raised with good values. It's not even about the money but about what kind of people they became. People like to say money corrupts but it's not the money, it's the person. Those without money can be just as corrupted as those with money so it couldn't be just the money.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


So she spends the entire fortune to save a useless idiot grandson in law? Drives away the fine upstanding guy in love with her great granddaughter? That is supposed to a fine ending?

She would have been better off donating to charity. Or give the money to her great grandaughter and the honest guy she originally wanted to marry.

OK, i have seen only half the movie so far, but read the plot summary. Just annoyed that this entire story amounts to something so unsatisfacgtory.

You know what's idiotic? Commenting on the end of a movie that you haven't even seen.

If you had watched the ending you would know that:

Mrs. Parkington uses the family fortune not to save her grandson but to repay the money he stole so that the "little people" would be reimbursed and not suffer by her grandson's actions.

Mrs. Parkington tells her great-granddaughter to go after the man she loves and get on the boat with him.

Who's the idiot now?


I just finished watching this. I'd recorded it on TCM on this past Christmas. It was not what I expected at all. I wasn't that invested in it, but I read the ending before I watched. I understand her not wanting the unsuspecting people to suffer, but the bailing out Amory kind of soured it for me. To the tune of $31 million at that.

I will probably write a review of movie here, and while I didn't hate it, I didn't love or even like it. And I really enjoy Greer Garson films.

"Me? Me? You mean ME?!" Insane Rick Grimes
"Anger makes you stupid.Stupid gets you killed" Michonne
