Women in this movie

The women definitely outshone the men in this movie. Then men were all fairly bland. Not bad, just not particularly interesting. They didn't have much of a chance again the women.
Lana Turner's acting was average, but she looked unbelieveable. In my opinion, the most beautiful woman in Hollywood (of all time). Then there was Natalie Schafer. Also beautiful, but she had a great role that she stuck her teeth into. Completely dominated every seen she was in and even overshadowed Turner's good looks! Frances Gifford was the cheating wife who thought she'd never get caught. She could do innocent, devious, jealous and in the end flipped out. In her last scene the men pretty much disappeared. And Virginia Brissac played Lana Turner's Mother-in-law. Only in 3 or 4 scenes, unfortunately. She played the exact opposite personality to that of Natalie Schafer. When she entered a scene it was easy to like her.
