Possible goof

___I have just watched this old FOX film on the mostly FOX film TV network, MoviesTV network for what feels like the 100th time. Of course owning a copy, and still watching it when it appears is probably obsessive to some degree. This was one of Marilyn Monroe's favorites. She sat thru it countless times, in a real theatre, then practiced the scenes, all when she was a teen and trying to be a young wife to a WWII soldier.
___Am I missing something? Near the end as Mark McPherson inspects the rifle found in Laura's clock, I distinctly saw him empty the barrels, put the amo in his pocket, close the gun, and put it back in the clock. Did Waldo bring more amo, though he was the one who left the rifle in the clock after shooting the mistaken model instead of Laura? One would just think he would just succeed in firing blanks, but his gun definitely goes off twice before he's shot.


Did Waldo bring more amo, though he was the one who left the rifle in the clock after shooting the mistaken model instead of Laura?

When Waldo sneaks into Laura's apartment via the kitchen entrance, he is clearly shown getting the gun out of the clock and reloading it, while Laura is in the bedroom.

I believe he reaches into his pocket for the new shells.


__Thanks, I suspected he might have, but didn't want to scare up my own copy and watch this film yet again to find out. The next time I watch it in 2020, I'll definitely look out for it.


Even though Waldo put the new shells in the shotgun, wouldn't he notice that the old shells weren't in the gun? And what's the point of putting it in the clock after the murder?


It wasn't a rifle, it was a shotgun. Yes, there is a difference.
