what was GInger's crime?

Why was Ginger in prison?

"A daffy woman constantly strives to become a star..."


She accidentally killed a man that was trying to rape her.


We're you texting during the movie?


We're you texting during the movie?

Are you texting while posting? "We're" shouldn't have an apostrophe.

It is better to be kind than to be clever or good looking. -- Derek


Manslaughter. She fended off a man trying to rape her and he fell out an open window to his death.


The hell, last I checked that was self defense. Before the lib movement.


As far as I'm concerned, she didn't commit a crime (and by today's standards, I don't believe any jury in the U.S. would have convicted her). A man was attacking her, she pushed him away to defend herself, and he fell out an open window.


A man was attacking her, she pushed him away to defend herself, and he fell out an open window.

That comment reminded me of the scene in Collateral where Tom Cruise shoots a guy and he falls out of a window. The cab driver says "You killed him?", and Cruise says "No, I shot him. Bullets and the fall killed him."

And that, Lauren, is how taxes work.
- Ron Swanson



Seriously, you don't know? It wasn't a mystery. She says it, like, an hour in.
