Quality of that print

Was it just me or was the quality of movie print almost impossible to watch? Being extremely dark at times.


It reminded me of a Kinescope, or a film of a TV screen. Perhaps the original film was lost and only a kinescope made by a TV station of a broadcast remains.

Only a hunch on my part.

I think the quality of the print only accentuated the grind-house quality of the movie. It was so cheesy I wished I had some crackers.


I was amused at how BAD the film print really was.
There were so many scenes where you had to guess what was going on.
The hit and run early in the film; throwing the cop in the water and robbing the gas station and more.
Oddly enough after the gas station robbery I laughed at how WHITE Sally and Jerry's teeth looked while they escaped in her car.


Maybe they filmed this during a blackout.


The print quality is explained by the fact that this title is now public domain...and that this print is most likely a dupe of a dupe of a dupe...

If this is the best that TCM can dig up...It may be better to LEAVE it underground...if they can't come up with the original negative or a first run print...who can?


I've seen a few subpar prints on TCM, but this one was the worst. Not worth screening, I'd say.


Indeed.Its not viewable.
