Ann Carter's Rememberances

I recently had the opportunity to talk to Ann Carter who played Amy Reed in "Curse of the Cat People" at age 7. She and her husband are now retired living in suburban Seattle.

She coincidentally travelled to New York City in February 2007 to be interviewed about the movie for a documentary to be presented around this coming Halloween on Turner Broadcasting. The documentary will deal with the films of Val Lewton.

Unfortunately Ann had little contact with Val Lewton during the filming. During the filming he was on the set frequently as the movie's producer, but he had little contact with the actors.

I have posted a biography of Ann at her IMDb site based largely on my two lengthy telephone conversations with her.

Blaine in Seattle


What an opportunity for you! It's great this and other great, otherwise forgotten films are still shown on TCM or available on DVD.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


I think Ann Carter was a wonderful little actress and now that I have subscribed to TCM I look forward to hopefully seeing her interview about this movie. I also think the movie was about childhood loneliness. I enjoyed the movie, but I also didn't really see any connection to cat people. I don't think they should have used the woman that looked like a cat in this movie. Not that there is anything wrong with her, but it didn't make any sense to see her as the old woman's daughter. They should have used someone else and also what did Simone Simone have to do with anything here? It's not like Ann Carter was her daughter or anything. Maybe they just wanted to show how loneliness affects people !!!!!


It was just a marketing ploy to put bums on seats.


but I also didn't really see any connection to cat people.


It was sort of a sequel to Lewton's "Cat People".


the movie is also about the relationship of the little girl to her father. her father who has never gotten over simone simon's character's death, he feels that if he had done better in that situation he may of saved her, thus when he sees the same types of behaviour in his daughter he over-reacts, accidentally putting distance between himself and her. She reacts to this distance by trying to get close to him, first by wishing to be a 'good girl' and when this doesn't work she retreats further into fantasy, choosing the lady from the photo, i would suggest this is to illustrate irena's continuing presence in their lives despite her being long dead, it's just like the teacher describes near the end. Thus the end of the film is her father accepting her and pledging to be the friend she needs.. i would say it's not so much about loneliness as it is about trauma and how it can affect your loved ones, as seen more explicitly in the side plot with the old woman hurting her daughter by refusing to acknowledge her.
