the lullaby sung by simone

Does anyone know the name and origin of the french lullaby sung by Irena in the bedroom scene. I've sung both my children and grandchildren to sleep with it for years. I can remember sitting up late one night when I was very young and watching this film. I thought it was the most enchanting story I had ever seen. I recently showed it to my 8 yr old grandaughter and she also fell in love with it in spite of the fact that it was in black and white.I'm quite sure it is the first b&w film she has ever watched from beginning to end.


It is such a lovely tune, and I have always wondered about it myself.

I also love the French Christmas carol that Irena sings in the garden when she visits Amy on Christmas Eve. That one I know: Il e Ne. The first line is "Il e ne le divin enfant" (I think it means "Now is born the divine child).


I have searched for the name (heck, EXISTENCE) of this song for forever. Both songs, the lullaby and the Christmas carol (ESPECIALLY the Christmas carol, "Do do l'enfant do" is also featured in Spielberg's "A.I.")

You don't know how happy I am. You rock. Thank you thank you thank you. Who knew I'd find this valuable information at an IMDb forum! Thanks again.



"Do, do, l'enfant do". You can find the words at:

Another version refers to a somewhat sinister cat:

"Dodo, l'enfant do, l'enfant dormira bientôt…

Aujourd'hui le chat a mis son bel habit gris, pour faire la chasse aux souris.

Dodo, l'enfant do, l'enfant dormira bientôt…

Ôtera son bel habit si l'enfant n'est pas gentil

Dodo, l'enfant do, l'enfant dormira bientôt… "

The tune also turns up in the soundtrack to Cat People.


I would love to find the english lyrics to this song. This song also is in "I remember Mama"

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts

