Did Mickey Rooney Have Herpes?

What's with the sore on Andy Hardy's lip? I don't remember any incident when he got socked in the mouth, and there seems to be no explanation. Was it herpes, and if so, couldn't makeup have covered that sore up?


Haha that is what I thought too....hopefully not!


Yup, I came here to ask that very question after seeing this on TCM (03/28/2013). Anybody know?



Ditto to all the above posters.

How about a little make-up on the lip!


He mighta had herpes, he was always dynamite with the ladies.


Rooney might have had recurring bouts with a cold sore with a scab on it, but it's odd that it's always in the same place. Thick make up might have helped.


Forget the makeup. Hiding it was not the answer. What I want to know is why he was planting the infected lip on those girls. It didn't seem right they'd have to kiss him while he had a break-out. There were times the blister was barely visible or completely gone but for most of the film it was hard to miss.


As many as 90% of Americans are infected with the Herpes Simplex virus. So chances are overwhelming that you do too. If you were to look around a college campus at finals, you'd see so many outbreaks...

If the blister is bleeding, makeup won't stick to it. I was surprised they went ahead and filmed that day since they heal quickly enough to at least get dry enough to make some makeup stay on.

But I'm betting that a doctor recommended that they leave it dry and open to the air to heal the quickest. Fiddling with it only makes it worse. And putting makeup on it would be messy and spread the virus....which made me super surprised when one of the twins kissed him with that dark spot there....could they have thought it a funny sign of stress? Painted it on? They shot a lot of scenes from the side so you can't see it. But then they clearly show it after a kissing scene. It did disappear after the second kissing scene. Strange thing.


Yep, he had herpes. He was always turning girls on. In every Andy Hardy film. The one where he went to Washington DC and went to that club with a friend, that hot girl picked him out of everyone there to invite to her place for intimate time together. Then the one where Esther Williams has just met him at the pool and immediately starts kissing him. What did that guy have about him that made him such a stud with the girls?


I think you are right. Mickey was a sex fiend and those herpes sores were in the previous AH picture, Andy Hardy's Double Life, shot 2 years before. I read his autobiography and he definitely was sleeping around! Funny how MGM didn't shoot around the outbreaks. In Double Life, the sore travels from the left side of his mouth to the center and poor Esther Williams had to kiss him! Should have been a picture called, Andy Hardy's VD Trouble!


Oh please! That is NOT what herpes looks like, AT ALL. Haven't any of you ever seen it? Mickey Rooney's mouth has a split lip, obviously NOT a "sore". We can't guess why it wasn't covered with makeup, but evidently it wasn't possible.

But still...herpes?! Is that everyone's default diagnosis is for ANY imperfection of the lips? Or are some of us just too eager for gossip? Couldn't anyone here be bothered to just LOOK UP "herpes simplex" to see what it looks like? Why imply that this hard-working actor and US soldier was callously spreading a dread disease when he just had a simple split lip?
