Where Are They Now???

As with any film which uses actual servicemen (Back to Bataan comes to mind as another) I often wonder what became of the men involved.

Does anyone know -or know of- what became of any of the servicemen who performed in this film?

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


Well, the obvious answer is that, like most WWII veterans, most of them have probably passed on.

But to learn specifics about this film, the great show it was based on as well as the people who created it, RUN to your bookstore or Amazon.com and order "The Songwriter Goes to War," by Alan Anderson. Anderson was the stage manager for the stage version of "This is the Army," and he also appears in the film. The forward was written by Irving Berlin's daughter. I just got my copy today and its wonderful.


I kind of figured that after nearly 70years most of the guys either died during the war or afterwards, but it's the "Afterwards" that interests me.

I know that one guy who played George Murphy's son went into politics, but what about the rest?

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


So did George Murphy-Senator for California,1965-71.Interesting casting,as he was younger than his "son" Ronald Reagan.


George Murphy was born in 1902 and Ronald Reagan was born in 1911.



Thank you for mentioning The Songwriter Goes To War! I just finished reading it. I've recommended it to my parents for their book club.

I enjoyed the entire book, but I'm really particularly taken by one bit of info -- "the Buick." And just think -- Berlin schlepped the Buick everywhere he went. Otherwise, he couldn't have written any songs while they were on the road.

I love it.

dolceri ac dolcere


There were more than three performers in the movie...LOL!

But your reference to his being "the one on top" suggests he may have been one of the acrobats featured in the film -is this correct?

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."

