Alan Anderson

I just finished reading his book "The Songwriter Goes to War" and happily recommend it to anyone who is interested in history, backstage stories, etc. Now I'm trying to find if the author, Alan Anderson, is still alive. When I google his name, I can only find information on a basketball player with the same name. Does anyone know if the author Alan Anderson is still with us?


A very good book about the show. My Dad was in the show and I enjoyed reading many if the stories of heard as a kid.


To funnymom--

In summer, 2009 I attempted to contact Alan Anderson through his publisher who then contacted Anderson's agent. The agent, sadly, reported that Mr. Anderson had died in 2008. I had hoped that he would help me identify some of the men in the film (I submitted many of the updated cast credits here on IMDB for the film, using Anderson's book, plus original programs, contemporary theater periodicals, etc).
