A question about Herbie

I just finished watching the movie for the umpteenth time and just thought of this question. When Herbie was passing the garage and heard banging coming from the inside, why didn't he open the garage door to see who was stuck in the garage instead of wasting time going to the house to notify the family?


Well, I think his behavior just serves the plot and nothing more. But it could be justified by Herbie's timid nature and utter lack of initiative. Doubtless due to his overbearing yet invisible mother. It's always the mother's fault, don't ya know - even invisible ones.


Wasn't there a rock or something blocking the door? Perhaps he gave it a tug, couldn't easily open it, and ran for help. Also, he was a neighbor and friend, but I believe was not invited to the reception. He couldn't go to the party, but ultimately he got the attention of all the invited guests.

