MovieChat Forums > The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) Discussion > 6.1% of imdb voters should be hung and s...

6.1% of imdb voters should be hung and shot

6.1% of viewers gave this film a 1 out of 10 can ya believe it.

Last movie seen: The Last King of Scotland 10/10


Make that 6.3%

Last movie seen: The Last King of Scotland 10/10


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Well I hope IMDB takes a truncated mean, but they probably don't.

The bottom 5% and upper 5% should not be counted in the average score.

I believe the new Top 250 would be a much more accurate Top 250.

After all, the opinions of the biased either for or against don't belong in determining the average score of a film. Not only the biased, but also just the erroneous ratings due to stupidity or spite.

Here is your definition, just so your clear as to what IMDB should do.

Truncated mean

Sometimes a set of numbers might contain outliers, i.e. a datum which is much lower or much higher than the others. Often, outliers are erroneous data caused by artifacts. In this case one can use a truncated mean. It involves discarding given parts of the data at the top or the bottom end, typically an equal amount at each end, and then taking the arithmetic mean of the remaining data. The number of values removed is indicated as a percentage of total number of values.


In other words folks, the person voting a 1 because they hate westerns, and the person voting 10 because they just love Henry Fonda.


And this goes for all movies.


I couldn't agree more!


And now at 7%.

This has to be due to "250" voting - where Ox-Bow probably passed the special effects movie/tearjerker of the month :(.


6.1% of imdb voters should be hung and shot

Hopefully by the same posse shown in the movie.


The people that gave this Movie 1 out of 10 are the same people that probably watch 3D movies. I knew as a kid that this movie was a special movie. I don't know how but it seemed like the acting,writing,directing was superior to other movies that have been made in the last 50 years. Thats a lot of time to make movies.


I feel anyone who rates more than 1% - a 1 or 5% - a 10 should have none of their ratings count.

Of over 700 movies, nine 10's, one 1... Even garbage movies usually have seem redeeming reason to be better than a 1


I totally agree. I've looked at some people's voting on this site out of curiosity and I've noticed a surprisingly large amount of people who only vote "1" or a "10." But the fact that one third of the Top 250 is comprised of movies made in the last 15 years should be the first indicator the ratings here are complete *beep*
