JEZEBEL Reference

There's a very amusing moment when Miriam Hopkins is ranting about Davis and calls her a "Jezebel" - a nice in-joke reference to the film for which Davis had one her second Oscar, in a role Hopkins had played - unsuccessfully - on the stage in 1934! I wonder how that line got in there? I somehow think it probably wasn't in the original script...

Those of you who think you know everything should politely defer to those of us who actually do!



I caught the in joke immediately. It was good for a chuckle.
Wonder what Bette and Miriam thought of it?


Along the same lines but with a twist, in the scene where Bette Davis is at home getting ready for her young beau to arrive,

She says something to her maid about trying to look like Shirley Temple. The maid is played by Esther Dale who appeared in "Curly Top" with Shirley Temple a decade earlier.

