Annoying commentary track

I bought this as part of the Val Lewton collection and really enjoyed the flick.

However, on the commentary track for this film there are 2 British film historians that are a bit unbearable. One of the men tries to talk ahead of his thoughts and it also comes off like stuttering. It's like listening to somebody on speed.

Additionally, the 2 go off on tangents, often ignoring making comments on the film at hand. Instead of getting scene-specific comments that you might hear on other films in the collection (like the Cat People flicks) you get a very self-indulgent conversation, complete with idiotic chickling, that is beyond irritating.

This is the first time I had to shut off the commentary because it was so exhausting to listen to.

I hope this is the only film in the collect that we are subjected to these guys.



I didn't find the ZOMBIE audio commentary very informative, nor did I find it annoying. It was fun to hear the enthusiasm of Newman and Jones, and they did say some interesting things about changes between the script and the film.

Believe me, I've heard far worse commentaries.


I enjoyed it too, and found it pretty informative. It wasn't even the worst commentary track in the set.


It was actually one of the better ones I have heard. What annoys me is where someone is ad libbing and they em er ar all the way through instead of being prepared. These two guys were enthusiastic and knew their stuff, as well as making some comment on how the film was directed (horizontal bars of light etc). I guess with these things it is a matter of personal taste.



Robert Wise's 'commentary' on THE BODY SNATCHER seems to be patched together from interviews - he spends time discussing working under Lewton and how he and Mark Robson were promoted from film editors to directors (Wise took over the direction of CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE, and then this is basically repeated, possibly from another interview.

"In my case, self-absorption is completely justified."
