Where are you, Freddy?

Does anyone know where Freddy Mercer is today? I've seen him in "On the Sunny Side," "Gildersleeve's Bad Day," and "Gildersleeve on Broadway" and think he was a fine actor with an excellent sense of comic timing and delivery. It would be interesting to know what he did after leaving films and if he continued to sing.


OMG ...I just finished seeing Gildersleeve on Bdway and wondered THE SAME THING. I hate mysteries like this! Especially with someone of such obviously outstanding talent!

I hate to think the worst, but Hollywood sure has produced some doozies!

Enrique Sanchez


I don't know and I hate to but in on a thread that has little to do with this, but I thought maybe you guys could help me. I watched the film on TCM today as well and missed the last 5 minutes. Can you tell me what happened at the end?
