Whistleblower blues

This film handily mirrors the plight of whistleblowers everywhere who clearly see something wrong/corrupt/illegal/evil going on in upper management, but are stymied every step of the way from getting anybody else to see it or go along with them. All of a sudden you find that you're a crusader with no allies whatsoever.


Sad, but true. Not only do you have no allies, but management brands you a troublemaker, and before very possibly phasing you out altogether, others are warned to disassociate with you.


Too true... and sadly, most of the time, the others will gladly disassociate with you because they have to protect their own paychecks and their own livelihood. "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" - that's the mantra most people follow.


Yeah. :o(

In fact, it's even usually worse than you think. Lots of times even your own family goes against you. :o(


And I stood where I did be; for there was no more use to run; And again I lookt with my hope gone.
