Do nothing more than what you're told

The education that they gave to their kids was incorrect and poor, not something people would teach it, just horrible.

They were educated to fight/die for their country and that's what happened.

Oh well, poor souls those were. Zombies.. Apple can achieve that easily if they decide to limit the sales of iPhones and then people start raging the monster inside them. Just for an iPhone people go mad, ahaha, not me!


The education that they gave to their kids was incorrect and poor, not something people would teach it, just horrible.


What was "incorrect", "poor" or "just horrible" about the education of young German boys back then?

Almost all accounts (even from Allied countries) agreed that the German young men were excellently educated.

They were educated to fight/die for their country

They were educated to become patriotic, well-mannered and strong young men -
who indeed were able to fight for their country. Of course that is something the enemies disliked: They prefer fat, poorly mannered and weak bootlickers, preferably even gay.



Die Deutsche Passion


What was "incorrect", "poor" or "just horrible" about the education of young German boys back then?


Thanks for the link. It was interesting to read of the Nazi propaganda stories.
