MovieChat Forums > Le corbeau (1943) Discussion > Extras - Clouzot interview

Extras - Clouzot interview

One of the extras on the Criterion dvd is an interview with Clouzot from a 1975 French TV special called "The Story Of French Cinema By Those Who Made It" ("Histoire du cinéma français par ceux qui l'ont fait"); the director is Armand Panigel. A User Comment refers to it as lengthy and not as comprehensive as it should be, but I'd like to track it down, nonetheless. Any thoughts?


There's any link to this interview on net ? It will be great to see this.Could you put it on rapidshare ? please


The best way to see the ~8 minute Clouzot interview is to rent, or buy, Le Corbeau - plus you'll get to see a really good movie. But googling Clouzot Interview Le Corbeau does lead to some interesting commentary.
