MovieChat Forums > Batman (1943) Discussion > Is the new DVD release edited or unedite...

Is the new DVD release edited or unedited?

Is the new release of "The Batman" (1943) an edited version?

"You're happy. I hate that!"


Unedited, DVD Drive-In has a review posted that makes note of the unedited nature.



"You're happy. I hate that!"


Yes, thanks for the link. While the dialogue was restored, I was surprised to find the end of Chapter 2 cut off before we saw scenes from next week's episode. The old GoodTime VHS tape contained the material, so it obviously still exists. (And you can tell by changes in sound and image, the DVD was pieced together from different sources.) Not sure why the Chapter 2 ending was restored.


Each chapter is about 16 or 17 minutes long and they are incredibly racist, so I'm presuming that this is the unedited version. I'm watching the whole thing, but large chunks of the narration are making me cringe.



It sounds a lot like the old Superman cartoons. I had some on a dvd and omg...o_O Well it wasn't racist so much as a propaganda-ish short for WWII

Viva La Vie Boheme!

