in color

i hope they colorize the 1943 & the 1949 batman serials


That would be cool.




No, thanks.

I'd rather see a new Batman film/series shot in color and set in the 1940's.

(This is posted for entertainment. Don't get upset.)


Why would you want it colorized? Are you one of the culturally illiterate who can't enjoy something unless it's in color? How about this, if you don't like Black and White, don't watch it, no one is obligated to alter anything to fit your narrow tastes.


No need to be so rigid in your judgement. Colorized would be interesting to see, after all the comics of their day were certainly in color. Of course, it is not needed, and hard to imagine the $ being used for it.

Am I unreal? Am I a character who can’t possibly exist? – Alissa Rosenbaum
