Chewed up by sub's props

I haven't seen this movie in over 20 years so I'm not sure if the scene of the lifeboat ramming involved a crewman getting blended by the German sub props. It was definitely a Humphrey Bogart movie and was colorized because I remember the "red". Anyway, just curious.


I just watched my black and white DVD of this movie last night and there wasn't any crewman "blenderized" by the sub's screws. There is a quick under water shot of a body floating by the stern of the sub and maybe bouncing off one of the screws but that was the extent of the scene.


Thank you for the info. I really wasn't sure if they got that graphic back then but my memory is fuzzy in re this movie.


It caught my attention and I replayed it several times. Clearly a dummy but in its own way pretty darn graphic
