
I was amused to see various elements of fetish in this film, quite sweetly and innocently portrayed: for example, Veronica Lake all trussed up in ropes on the bed, and the shiny latex "fisherman" costume she wore when performing at the nightclub, and then the gas mask worn by Alan Ladd. Anyone else notice this?

It;s quite a fun film in all, despite the irrelevant plot, with the magic sequences and the Hammer Horror gothic sequence in whatsisface's house lit by lightning and candlelight.



Are gas masks a fetish?

The plot, about the head of an American chemical company selling secrets to Japanese agents, was certainly relevant in 1942.


people do wear gas masks as part of fetishism/ bondage.


Maybe, but they also wear them to protect themselves from being exposed to poison gas! Same goes for ropes or handcuffs. They can actually be used for more conventional purposes.


Yes, but seeing so many bits of iconography in the film that can all be used for one specific purpose IS amusing, even if it doesn't indicate anything improper in its intended context.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"

