Childhood Favourite

I saw this film many times as a child, mainly because of the first time I saw it, when my mother appeased me (I was 4) by assuring me that a giant squid was about to turn up. Which it did.

In later years of my childhood, happening upon this film of an afternoon meant I would leave the TV on in the background until the last 20 minutes, when I would pay it all due attention, waiting for Squiddy to turn up.

I understand that the Giant Squid actually won an Oscar. Does anybody know if it collected it's award in person?


The squid died in the making of the film. Of course nowadays that wouldn't be permitted. :)


The squid did not die, but lost an eye during the fight scene with John Wayne. After the movie was filmed, the studio donated it to the Navy and the squid was used to grab Japanese guys off of battleships.

I wanna buy your carbon offsets.
