MovieChat Forums > Raza (1942) Discussion > Fascist military propaganda

Fascist military propaganda

Raza is Franco's equivalent of Mein Kampf made cinema. Good enough to have a few laughs about his limited political culture. There was nothing behind the face except a hardened military goon with an entrenched catholic morality. The conservative catholic dictatorship shrouded the Spanish society in 40 years of hypocrisy and religious fundamentalism.

He carried a war against a legitimate government and a civil society which was trying to comes to terms with serious economic and social problems via democratic means. Our first constitution was written in 1812, democracy has a long history in Spain and we were not about to fall to communism, who were just a minority party like the Falange, the spanish fascist who jumped on the militaries band wagon.

Though the war was lost, I feel proud of what my contemporaries achieved against experienced military troops who had support from the German and Italian fascist leaders. We were the first to fight fascism and would have won if Great Britain, France and the US had not played into Hitler's and Mussolini's hand. Later Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland would fall before they realized what was going on, and eventually France would be occupied and Great Britain bombed. If only they had helped, or at least just supplied the Spanish democracy Hitler would not have been reinforced in his believe about the weakness of democracies. But no, they had to establish an arms economic embargo leading to food shortages in the mainly urban areas of the republic.

Furthermore, if we had had a minimum of support from other democracies we would not have been so grateful to the Russians for their lone support, and the communist party would have remained a minority party.

By the way, the US washed its hands, but allowed Texaco to supply Franco with all the necessary oil, including that paid by the Republic. Furthermore the members of the Lincoln Brigade who came to fight fascism, were later considered communists and suffered persecution in the US.

The truth is that 60 years later, Franco is dead and Spain is once again a democracy with the Socialists in power. The whole military-conservative-christian adventure has been a complete failure by any standard.


Hey, boy!

You´re a stupid numbskull who hasn´t got the slightest idea of History. I bet you´re very young and you have been brainwashed by all these left-wing and liberal elements that people our society. Franco was a great statesman who gave Spain nearly forty years of peace and security and no hypocrisy or fundamentalism at all. He had a great political culture - something you lack, of course. If you knew something about History you´d know that all the democratic experiences attempted in Spain have been a complete failure and have led the country to chaos - as it is happening now. And the Second Republic was a regime whose original legitimity is very dubious and was completely lost with the Socialist Revolution of 1934. What are you talking about democracy, you twit???



Yeah, I'm a true "nazi-fascist" myself and was recently interested in the fascist ultra right movement. In fact I have designed ultra conservative highways to be built in southwestern Colorado. They are part of the neo colonialism development and expansion goals here to commemorate the Spanish conquest. The goals include upgrading the highways between Denver and Los Angeles going through Monte Vista, Cortez, Needles,CA, all the way to LA. A 149 mile stone/concrete tunnel is planned also and it coincides with Aztec mythology and the legend of Topiltzin.

Long live death! Viva Espana!
