Subtitles on any DVD? (Solved)

I just watched this on Amazon Instant and found it quite enjoyable. There isn't a single dull moment.

While the plot is easy to follow, I found some of the dialogue not so. I'd like to watch it again with subtitles. Do any of the DVDs have subtitles, and if so, which one(s)?



Try the one at [UK & Europe] or the one at [North America]



Are you sure those have subtitles? There's no mention on either item description.


That's why we are always wary of believing what the retailers say

I've just checked on the actual DVDs. The British one does have subtitles, the American one doesn't. I also see that on the box of the British one it says that it's not region coded, it plays in any region



OK thanks very much for checking the DVDs. I'll get the British one (also I have multi-region capability so I could have played it even if region-coded).


Although there's one oddity with it, a very small and very odd cut.

In the scene at the beginning, where the crew are in the mess and Sir George says he'll be flying with them instead of Hopkins, the American. Frank Shelly guesses at his reaction and does an impersonation of him. But that impersonation is then cut after "Well, son of a gun". We then see Hopkins being told he's not wanted and he gives exactly the reaction, and the words that Frank predicted. So why should they have cut most of Frank's impersonation? It's a mystery



I just checked Amazon Instant, and that's the same cut as on it. Are you sure there ever was more than that in the dining-table scene?


Oh yes, I have it on other versions and I've seen it in the cinema many times. I can't see any reason for the cut. It's only a few words and we hear the American say those same words a few moments later. It also spoils the gag that Frank was able to predict the reaction so accurately

