UK Version on DVD

Is it possible to get the longer original version, that was released in the UK, on DVD that will play on a DVD player in the US. The US version is only 86 minutes.


You can buy a DVD from the UK

Many of the better DVD players available in the States (or in any other country) will play any DVD be it in PAL or NTSC format. If your one doesn't then you can play it in the DVD player in your PC or laptop.

As for region coding, many DVD players ignore that, or you can enter a code from the remote control to bypass it. Google the make and model of your DVD player along with phrases like "region free".

The DVD player in your PC or laptop will certainly ignore region controls. The media player might pay some attention to them - the Micro$oft Media Player notoriously does this and then says it'll lock you into one region after playing 3 or 4 DVDs. Ignore it. That's just the media player doing that, not the DVD drive itself. If you use a decent media player like the VLC player [] then that doesn't pay any attention to it.

Region controls on DVDs are of dubious legality anyway. They go against the free trade agreements that most countries have signed. So you need have no qualms about bypassing them



Yes, you can get the original 102-minute version now, from Olive Films, through Amazon. It is in North American format (not PAL). It came out in the Fall of 2015 on DVD. The sound and picture are pretty good. The picture is perhaps slightly on the dark side, but that might reflect the original intent of the directors. On my traditional 4:3 TV screen it comes out "pictureboxed", i.e., it has black bars on both top and bottom and at the sides, with the image sitting in a nice rectangle in the middle of the TV screen, occupying maybe 85-90% of the picture tube area. I have a very large picture tube, so that is fine. How it would come out on a flatscreen wide TV, I don't know.

There are no special features on the DVD, and only an inadequate scene menu. Olive puts all its emphasis on a good print and the full running time. But those are more important than scene menus or special features.
