
Faye Emerson was married to Elliot Roosevelt, son of Pres. FDR.



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A little more trivia. Faye Emerson eloped with Elliott Roosevelt during the filming of Hotel Berlin. Hotel Berlin was a major film and Warner Brothers publicized it in a huge way, including a competition for the female lead between Bette Davis and Andrea King. Andrea King got the role and WB planned to use the film to catapult Andrea King into a major star. She received top billing ahead of male lead Helmut Dantine. However, when Faye married Elliott, the focus of the studios suddenly switched from Andrea to Faye. They wanted to capitalize on her sudden fame to promote the film and the studio. The billing was switched, and Faye was now top billed and Andrea dropped to fourth billing, even though Andrea had the most screen time and Faye's part was clearly a supporting role. This, along with Bette Davis' dislike for her, served to keep Andrea from becoming the major star she deserved to be. Check out Andrea King's official web site to get the details of what happened on the set of Hotel Berlin after Faye married Elliott Roosevelt.
