About the cobra:

Was it just me, or did that cobra hypnotize Mahala? It was just swaying in front of her, and her eyes were following it.


could someone tell me the name of the cobra


It definately did look like he was hypnotizing, and his name's Kaa.

~More Than Just a Pretty Face~


No, Kaa's the rock python. The cobra is called Warden of the King's Treasure, Father of the Cobras, and (in the book ) Thuu (which means 'dried up', since he outlived his own poison).

There's a reason why they call me the provider of randomnesssness.


Thanks for the correction :) I need to rewatch it again.

~ABC: More Ricardo Chavira!~


The characters here are much closer to Kipling's novel.

In the original novel, Mowgli encounters a cobra as well as Kaa the python. The cobras are sneaky and cowardly, whereas Kaa is courageous.

Kaa can also hypnotise, but uses his body rather than his eyes.
