Lee Patrick

Only know her from "The Maltese Falcon" and "Now, Voyager" wherein she plays a loyal secretary and stalwart friend, respectively. Equally effective as a past her prime, gold digging tart.


She was also the "other woman" in MILDRED PIERCE.


She was most famous in my childhood for playing Mrs. Topper in the TV show "Topper" during the 1950's. The movie role of Mrs. Topper was played by Billie Burke and Lee Patrick did a good job of mimicking her way of trilling when she spoke. Leo G Carroll played Topper. I thought they were good.


You must see her in 'Caged'. I thought she had a really good (and meaty) role.


She has a pretty good role in a third Bette Davis film, THE SISTERS.


She was very funny as Mrs. Upson in Auntie Mame.


All in all, she was a capable character actress who did some
fine work. Too bad she wasn't used more.
