MovieChat Forums > In This Our Life (1942) Discussion > everyone should see this movie...

everyone should see this movie...

hell, they should show it in school....not for any historical's just that most young people won't watch movies that they think are old. when i think what i could have missed. i love this movie!

Doncha know me Jim? I'm not Margret, I'm Edie. I didn't kill Frank DeLorca.


Absolutely correct. Every school child on earth should be forced to watch this movie. Have their eyes propped open with toothpicks, and mercilessly beaten until they memorize every line. I do not exaggerate. (Well, maybe a tiny bit.)

Mrs. Bates! If my sistah wanted flowers, I think we could afford to buy them!"


Why? It wasn't that good, it could have been so much better had the source material been respected.
