The Characters

I was wondering if anyone knew a good website that explained the characters, we're doing the play this year at my school. Or if they could write it up here that would be great :D



Bill Fuller <<<"bull in a china shop" type, always loses his temper, but everyone ignores him, except for Hester, and she argues back.
Connie Fuller <<<scheming and sexy. The hottest housewife EVER. She is always neat as a pin. Buys a house without telling her husband. Deals with her husband's rantings & ravings with patience, love, gentleness, Does what she wants. Cool headed.
Uncle Stanley J. Menninger <<<lied about being rich so people would treat him well.
Mr. 'Kimbie' Kimber, the Handyman <<<dim bulb. Does not act like English is his first language, even though it is (or that earth is his home planet---he does not seem to understand anything that is said)

Hester, the Fullers' Maid <<<bossy, loudmouthed, not afraid to talk back to her boss, Bill. Wants to improve herself & is taking night classes, including a first aid class
Steve Eldridge <<<Madge's boyfriend--"typical" teenage boy--lighthearted, but jealous
Madge <<<Connie's teenage sister who is "boy crazy" and gets crushes on ALL her male teachers, much to Steve's chagrin
Rena Leslie <<<snobbish, the actress wife of Clayton Evans
Mr. Prescott <<<hateful neighbor
Clayton Evans <<<stage actor who always seems to be acting
Raymond <<<Connie's bratty nephew
Jeff Douglas <<<antique dealer/neighbor of the Fullers. Bill thinks he is in love with Connie, but he does not seem interested in her at all--only in history.
Mr. Gibney <<<hateful landlord


OMG, thanx so much that really helps, I think i want to be Madge :P



You are welcome--Madge is a great character. She was quite bold & saucy, and a flirt, and is a lot like Connie in the way she does as she pleases. She has disdain for her boyfriend, Steve, and considers him childish when compared with her older teachers (and another new crush--Clayton Evans). She is very perky (and dramatic), and not a modest, shy girl at all.


Just watch the movie. Then, you can explain them yourself!
