A great movie...

I think it may be my all-time favorite. I could watch it a thousand times and never be bored. I thought it would have more fans. :-/


This is THE funniest movie I've ever seen. After considering it, it's really true. I could watch this movie a million times, and still LMAO...jack Benny is PERFECT in this.


The only complaint I have is that it doesn't last for hours. I also thought Jack Benny was really attractive in this film, and he was a perfect match for Ann. The casting could not have been better.


Me, too! I love this movie! Jack Benny IS attractive in this; I think Ann Sheridan gives him a little sex appeal like Carole Lombard did in "To Be or Not To Be".

I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes!


I saw this movie for the first time last night. The cow in the car, the horse in the kitchen, and Kimby singing, "I'll never smile again/Until I smile at you." Cracked me up!


totally agree I loved this movie...Mr. Kimmie is the funniest.


One of a handful of movies I never tire of.
