MovieChat Forums > Casablanca (1943) Discussion > I don't think I understand the hype

I don't think I understand the hype

I watched this movie a few days ago and thought it was an excellent film, but I don't really understand some of the praise it gets. I'm not calling the movie overrated at all, I'm sure there is a reason, I just personally don't understand the hype.


No need for you to understand.....movies are a very personal cuisine.

Keep in mind though that it was made over seven decades ago. Part of the respect that it gets is for what it is at that point in time.

And for me at least, it all starts with the writing, but then perhaps even that sounds a bit corny by modern standards.



after you've seen it a couple dozen more times and it keeps getting better with every viewing, then you'll understand.


I watched this movie a few days ago and thought it was an excellent film, but I don't really understand some of the praise it gets.

You just referred to it as excellent. Just take what you felt was excellent about it and that's why it gets the praise it does.

Can't stop the signal.


You just referred to it as excellent. Just take what you felt was excellent about it and that's why it gets the praise it does.
Add in that film tastes are subjective......and that is checkmate.


It is arguably the greatest story ever constructed and has one of the greatest performances of all time. That's two reasons.


Perhaps watch it dozens of more times. I am not being flippant, I have probably seen it 50 times at least, and some facets of it did not strike me until after many viewings.


Perhaps watch it dozens of more times. I am not being flippant, I have probably seen it 50 times at least, and some facets of it did not strike me until after many viewings.

I agree with this: the first couple of times I watched this, with my parents, when it was broadcast on TV, I didn't like it; but whenever it came on and we were able to watch it, we all did; and as I paid attention, and picked up the plotlines more and more, my liking for it grew. It's one of those movies in which large ideas are explored in small moments, intimate exchanges and details - the raised eyebrows of Rick or Renault; the dry surface just barely protecting Victor's passion and compassion; the tiny moments between all the minor and major characters in that compressed world of Rick's Cafe. It requires repeated viewings - it rewards them. In my opinion.


There's lots of classic movies that I find completely underwhelming, so I can sympathize with the original poster. I love Casablanca, though, and think part of its appeal is that it's a gift to the people of the Free World. It's famous for its romance, but I think the true reason it resonates with countless people is because it's about making sacrifices in the name of the Four Freedoms and the fight against global fascism. This movie, of course, was made before the outcome of World War II was certain and Casablanca gives people hope for a better, freer tomorrow.


This movie, of course, was made before the outcome of World War II was certain and Casablanca gives people hope for a better, freer tomorrow.
It does that for sure, but I have always thought that everything about Rick as far as to his past history, current stance during most of the movie, and eventual "Welcome back to the fight" was a singular analogy to previously appeasement America as a whole.

In some ways it was a dig for not getting involved before, but in another the message was "hey, it even took a guy like that so long to come around.....but now it is on."


One can't just judge a film mathematically, or by checking off "necessities".

What ultimately matters is - did you feel something?

I believe millions of Casablanca viewers have.

The romance does not exist in the present, it exists in the past.

Fans enjoy the sentimentality and nostalgia for the love that will never be, and yet will never die.

Many marvelous characters, dialogue, cinematography, story, sets, songs, characters pining for the past, etc.

I have seen over 3,300 films, and very few are quite as magical and charming as Casablanca.
