I liked it

Ill be honest... I haven't seen many Laurel and Hardy movies. Most of you have, and can make references to their previous work (but I can't). But for what it's worth, it had some funny moments in it... Especially the rope magic trick. I thought it was clever AND funny! And the ending ... That was classic. In all the reviews I read, none of them mentioned the ending (but I guess in a review... You really shouldn't due to spoilers). I'd have to give this a 7 out of 10.


I gave it a 7 too, I thought it was good and I've seen a few of their movies (shorts and feature-length). The only thing that bugged me is the coffin switch at the end, especially Darby Mason's explanation of what happened, it made no sense whatsoever since the coffin was never pulled down. Or maybe it all happened before the show started? But where was Mason then?

1up-games.com Last watched: imdb.to/K4tvL9


What do you mean - the coffin was never pulled down?

Of course it was pulled down.

You must have fallen asleep...
