Emma and Lord Hamilton

When I first saw this movie in a theatre [100 years ago!) I was a young teenager and we found the whole thing so romantic! We wanted to know more about the actual historical people in the story. And this is the rumor we picked up----Lord Hamilton "won" Emma in a high stakes card game! We believed it at the time but I have never been able to track it down. Any of you history buffs know anything about this?


No card game was needed.
Emma's previous "owner" needed to drop her in order to marry a rich heiress which would improve his financial situation.
Sir William was only happy to acquire Emma as a new objet d' art. She was the mistress of several men long before Nelson.

This movie is pretty faithful to history. I don't remember if there is a scene referring to her as stakes in a card game, but if so, it is one of the creative licenses taken and not true.

