MovieChat Forums > Suspicion (1941) Discussion > This must be the worst Hitchcock I've ev...

This must be the worst Hitchcock I've ever scene...

I was shocked about how bad this was,since Hitch is one of my favourite!And don't let me start about the film's ending...



When you make a statement like that, you should at least list a few reasons why you think it's the worst Hitchcock film you've ever seen.

"Ever since my nervous breakdown I've been extremely psychic."---The Ghost Goes West


Well I have to say I liked it. It isn't Hitchcock's best, I do agree the ending was a letdown. But the performances, direction, score and cinematography were all excellent. I honestly think Torn Curtain was worse than this, while decent, that film had a turgid script and real pacing problems, but the murder scene was absolutely brilliant.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeleine Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


Suspicion could have been a much more satisfying movie had Hitchcock not been so handcuffed by the code at the time, and the public willing to accept Cary Grant as a murderer. It’s a shame that the original ending , included in the version shown to preview audiences, no longer exists.


Is there any evidence of Hitch shooting an original ending? I have not heard of an original ending shot for Suspicion and there weren't preview audiences back then.



Then you haven't seen many Hitchcock's. Jamaica Inn is often considered his worst (I kind of like it, but the quality is crap). Another infamous one is Under Capricorn. Torn Curtain and The Trouble with Harry aren't great either, but my least favorite is Marnie. I think one of his most underrated movies is Lifeboat, love that movie.



"I have no memories I'm prepared to share with you."- Peter O'Toole


The Trouble With Harry is better than Torn Curtain, Topaz and Family Plot, all of which aren't that good.

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"


You can't possibly prefer 'Marnie' or 'Topaz' to 'Suspicion', can you ? Statements like yours are only meant to catch the attention in the cheapest possible way - and it works, will you say ! :-) but I decided to react !- but are deceiving, meaningless and dumb. Too many of those on IMdB. EVERY single film listed in the IMdB is the worst or best ever for at least someone, and it gets really boring in the end. Dilutes the quality of contributions too.... That makes a helluva lot of absolutes. It's absurd !

But even more infuriating is when on top of such an empty shell of an opinion, it is spelled by a graduate from Neanderthalian College. Youve 'scene' far too many flicks, buddy, doh !!

Nobody messes with Hitch while I'm still in the bar...


Suspicion was nothing special for Hitchcock, especially coming off Rebecca the previous year (not one of my favorites, but a much more elaborate and satisfying work). Marnie on the other hand was severely underrated, very compelling and thought-provoking.



It is not Hitchcock's worst film but it is certainly one of his most glamourous. The sets and costumes in this movie are delightfully over the top. As the movie progresses Joan Fontaine's wardrobe goes from mousy brown to red carpet glamour. There are satin dressing gowns, evening gowns with expensive fabrics and beaded overcoats with enough sparkle to choke a horse. All this in the quiet English countryside, not even London. Her wardrobe would have made Rebecca jealous. And her bedroom! I saw a deeply quilted satin headboard, mirrored side table, a fireplace and other amenities. The only thing it lacked was a window with a view of the lawns that go down to the sea.

It's not realistic, but it is Hollywood, and it is fun to watch.


Care to qualify your opinion there, OP? Perhaps it's the only Hitchcock film that you've watched, which would account for you saying that it is the "worst" you've ever seen. It's a good film with a weak ending; not one of Hitchcock's best, but certainly not his worst, either. That honor goes to Marnie.

Looks like we're shy one horse.
You brought two too many.





I've seen about a dozen or so Hitchcock films, and while a few were disappointing, this was easily my least favorite. The main thing was, it was just too many scenes of high-culture people sitting around talking, and just a lot of inferences and emotional freak-outs by Lina. "Oh no I think he's gonna kill me, I hate him!! Oh no it was all a misunderstanding, I love him!" Over and over.

It all felt like an inert parody of a Hitchcock suspense film. Heck, it almost feels like a sitcom, like when the dad overhears the mom on the phone talking to a doctor, thinks it's something bad about him, and it turns out she was talking to a vet about their dog. Womp womp.
