Beadle and Frail

As Sully and the Girl are going to pick up the 5:48 freight, the butler or valet mentions that they may think of the Girl as Sully’s “beadle or beatle” and the other mentions that they will think of her as his “frail”. I found out that a “frail” is a woman. What is the other? Could it mean a young boy who is an older man’s sexual partner? The frail remark would then be necessary to make the censors happy.



I just checked the quote:

Sully: You look about as much like a boy as Mae West
The Girl (Veronica Lake) All right then I'll be your frail.
The butler: I believe the correct term is "beasil"

Not that I know what a beasil/beezle/beezil is, but I hope this helps.


1. beasel

Like a flapper, but slightly more advanced. A young girl who is not inclined to get out and walk. A girl who is shyly open to advances.

Catch a peep at that little beasel. I'd bet that she hasn't any bunions!

"Write a wise saying and your name will live forever."


frail means: Older Slang: Sometimes Offensive. a girl or woman. or Woman, assumed to be from the slang of 1930s Harlem so I think it means about the same thing...


yeah i think it was beasel, right? because a beadle was a legal person, kind of like a bailiff, in UK legalese, right??? or am i way wrong here.


A beadle is a church sexton, an assistant to the vicar. Sometimes universities in the UK had beadles for the professors to carry their books and whatnot.


It's beazel.

- All right, they'll think I'm your frail.
- I believe it's called a "beazel," miss, if memory serves.
