But did you notice THIS?

Seen it several times. But last Sunday for the first time, I noticed Veronica as she sits by the pool brushing her hair.

She holds, fondles and strokes the hairbrush like...well....damn! How did this get by the censors? It is pretty blatant and my favorite scene from a movie I've always enjoyed.


I saw this movie for the first time today and totally noticed! I thought I just had a dirty mind ;) ...

It's an ENGLISH accent, not BRITISH! Join the crusade, Brits!


Let just say Preston Sturges was a genius at white-gloving Subject A as the man like to call.



Here it is : https://streamable.com/d7q3

I did not notice it when I watched it.


Beau_Buffet, thanks for sharing the link!

I hadn't noticed her doing that while watching the movie so I had no idea what the OP was referring to. I think things like that get past the censors because I read somewhere they review scripts not completed movies. If a screenwriter left those particular notes off the page, it got into the movie. And, as we notice here, a lot of us can watch the movie and not even notice it.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


The censor must have been blind!

It's that man again!!
