MovieChat Forums > Penny Serenade (1941) Discussion > Great acting in a very flawed movie

Great acting in a very flawed movie

I loved Irene Dunne and Cary Grant, but thought the movie itself was very awkward. It was too long, and as others have mentioned, why relegate the most important scene in the movie to exposition through an illegible, hand-written letter?

But the scenes that were good were *really* good, and made the movie worth watching. Such as the scene when they first meet (so cute), and the two scenes at the Christmas pageant...


"Remember to always be yourself... unless you suck."


How do you not let the death of the child overwhelm the story you're really trying to depict? This film is about the consequences for the parents marriage and the letter reminds me of the films in which only a telegram or military official visit reveals a death. Stevens handled it wonderfully, I think.


I agree, Bunnymonster.

The writing was BAD in spots.

The part with baby first at home was dragged out to the point where it harmed the movie badly.

Irene Dunne and Cary Grant's acting was top level most of the way.

Except where the writers gave Grant redundant, redundant, redundant things to do.

Edgar Buchanan was also in George Stevens' SHANE.
