Irving Berlin at the piano?

The pianist in Gloria Jean's aria scene (with Pangborn) is said to be Irving Berlin.

It certainly looks like some of his pictures from the time. But I didn't realize he ever did bits like this.

Does anyone have any further info on his appearance? Unfortunately, I no longer have my big bio of Irving!


It IS Irving Berlin and he's even listed in the credits here on the IMDb. You have to click on "See More" at the bottom of the partial credit list on the first page. Then you will get the complete credit list.


The pianist in that scene with Gloria Jean and Franklin Pangborne is actually Leon Belasco, a very talented musician and actor. He is also the violinist playing with Chico Marx in the Marx Brothers' last film together, LOVE HAPPY.


I was only going by the information here on the IMDb. On that day, May 12, 2012, it listed Irving Berlin in the cast as "the pianist." Someone, in the past few months, has caught the error and had it corrected (perhaps you?). I am glad you posted with the correct information. I know the IMDb is not always correct but...I confess that I did assume it was right that time.
