
I caught this movie on TV in the middle of the night a couple years ago, but did anyone else find this hilarious?


Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny. I even wrote a review of it that I'm going to post on my friend's humor site, http://jmhofman.tripod.com/ soon, or maybe we'll wait and do a horror movie theme week. I'm not going to tell you too much of why I thought it was funny, I wrote that in the review, but I thought it was just like an episode of Scooby Doo.

Pirates > Ninjas


Thank you for your post.. I'm afraid I did enjoy this bit of rubbish very much, and special thanks for the analogy that it is rather like Scooby Doo.. That allows me to find Jeff' funny, despite the highly dodgy 'rolling of the eyes' black stereotype. I can now convince myself it is not a racist portrayay, it is a funny performance, done by a tallented comic actor who happens to be black. I mean, no-one says Scoob is a racist portrayal, and he is brown...
(not 100% convinced by my argument here..)
few visible scars


I enjoyed it a lot, and weren't Margaret Whitten and Joan Woodbury as cute as all get-out? Steve.


It was better than hilarious; it was the bees knees!

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


I agree, Marguerite Whitten was a stand-out as the jive maid.


I'm not sure hilarious is the word. C'mon guys, it's 1941, I'd say "high camp B horror" is more like it, and yes, it's generally pretty damn funny, seventy years after the movie was made, and this is a great example. There's one hell of a lot to be said for the inclusion of a black man among the main characters, and although there are some who would claim he was stereotyped, I'd argue no moreso than blacks in "X" or "Do The Right Thing."
Oh, and if the special effects were a little hokey, I actually read someone comment that the CGI in "Forbidden Planet" sucked. Hmmm... CGI... in any case, you work with what ya got.


I thought it was pretty funny at points but then most of these old horror films are funny by today's standards.


Am I the only one who thought that during the chant near the end of the movie that the people were chanting "Coco beans!".


"Coco Beans, Loco Beans"


