Good old fashioned racism?

Am I off base thinking that this movie was harsh on the stero-types. I mean I know it was because of the era.


Haunted Gold is similar - but that is far better than this borefest

Hey Witchdoctor, give us the magic words.
ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang wallawallabingba



I wouldn't show this movie to just anyone, because the knee-jerk reaction is, "black guy doing silly or cowardly things is racist" but Mantan Moreland is the star of this picture, regardless of how far down the list he is billed. Nobody wants to watch this without him.



I don't really see the film as racist. Black actors at the time were paid to send themselves up. I like the 'black' humor in the Monogram films where African Americans are given lines about their skin color. In this one the black manservant gets comically gets worried about the zombies being after "dark meat." In Monogram's 'Invisible Ghost' the frightened black butler asks "Do I look pale to you?" Surely it is ok because it is African Americans who are actually delivering these lines?


All stereotypes are founded in reality Just relax and laugh
