
nude Laurence Olivier, talking with French accent? looks like a comedy, he looks ridiculous.
nazis rescuing survivors only to throw them back in the sea because captain didn't survive and they said wrong information about an already lost cargo?! who wrote this stuff?
nazis who get hungry looking at hamburger neon commercials? weird.
nazis helping driver to change a tyre and then mauling him dead after he treats with drink? i have no comment for that :D
Policemen via speakers telling the crowd a dangerous criminals are standing beside you, don't panic, we don't know how they look... what was that about?
exploatation of the natives.

horrible movie, overrated, created for pursuing usa to enter war and save europe, that was only decent in this movie.
the story and everything else was trash.


Opinions are like *beep* everybody has at least one...


you are so wise, maybe you should run for president


I didn't realise that wisdom was a requirement for being president 



president of trolls that is


Coming from an obvious troll that is precious.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov
